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"I am a hard working individual with a strong sense of family values who would like to continue to represent the City of Darien Ward 5. I will always look out for the best interests of those who reside in our community. I appreciate all the feedback I have received from residents and will always consider all sides of the issue at hand before making a decision and casting a vote."    - Mary Sullivan, Alderperson, Ward 5


The single most pressing issue is Covid-19 and the impact this global pandemic has had on our residents and businesses. As an elected official, it is my intent to make decisions that will serve and protect our community. I want to insure services and support are provided to our citizens and strive to keep political posturing out of this health and economic crisis.

Fiscal Policy

Our city services are managed lean and mean. They maximize resources continually. It is critical that we as taxpayers have a voice on how our tax dollars are spent and managed. I believe the city is doing an excellent job managing tax dollar revenue while balancing excellent service to the residents of Darien. This has been accomplished without raising taxes.


The air pollution crisis that was unveiled with the Stop Sterigenics movement in 2019 made it evident that we as a community need to be mindful of the environment around us. I will continue to work with the Mayor, County & State Officials to work on the failures by the Illinois EPA on the long standing violations Sterigenics posed on our community. Additionally, I will work with our city Environmental Committee to insure ways we can continue to be a “greener community” by holding recycling events, coordinating roadway/park clean-up and providing additional resources for our community to access.


Darien has a vast array of housing options. Safety and security of our residents, as well as quality schools, are key factors in desirable communities. One of my priorities is to insure these great qualities Darien boasts are maintained and enhanced. 


Public safety will always be a top priority. Feeling safe and protected is a core value in our community. The city is dedicated to putting public safety at its forefront by supporting participation in the Darien-Woodridge Fire District, insuring a top-notch Police Department and maintaining an incredible Municipal Services division. The culmination of supporting and funding of these crucial city services is what has a profound impact on the safety and security of our community.  

Economic Development

Supporting our local businesses is mission critical to the vibrancy of our city. It also ties in with the sustainability of the city budget. Growing our economy and helping our small businesses is more essential than ever during this global pandemic. Local businesses have been hit hard and have shifted into survival mode. Our continued and creative support is critical. Additionally, attracting new businesses to Darien will insure the future of our economic development and growth as a community. 

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