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Candidate for Re-Election
Darien Alderperson - Ward 5


"A Better Darien For a Better Tomorrow"


Mary currently serves as Alderperson for Ward 5 in Darien. She is the Chairperson for the Administrative/Finance Committee and served on the Darien Planning & Zoning Board from 2017 - 2019.


Mary is a dedicated community volunteer and leader, serving in many Darien-based organizations. Mary's involvement broadens her perspective and deepens her awareness of our community issues.


Mary's strong sense of family values inspires her continuous efforts to make Darien a fantastic place to raise a family. Her values drive her decisions for our community.


Mary researches issues and listens to residents. She is a hard-working Alderperson who works on behalf of her constituents to make Darien the best it can be. Thoughtful, prepared, open-minded, and driven. Re-elect Mary Sullivan for Ward 5 Alderperson

In-Person Early Voting Starts February 25, 2021 ... LEARN MORE

(recorded 2/20/21 for the League of Women Voter's Q&A)

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Past Videos


"If you want action taken on your Darien concerns......elect Alderwoman Mary Sullivan!  Our Carriage Way West subdivision has been plagued with many electrical outages over the  last several years. These outages have lasted from as little as several hours to over 10 days  without service.


"Last fall, I contacted Mary to advise that once again over 20 homes were impacted with yet another outage, this one lasting nearly 30 hours. Marry was immediately responsive to my pleas for help. She offered the help of the police department for immediate help and even offered portable generators, from a limited supply from Darien Public Works.  Mary then contacted ComEd representatives directly, to start remedying the  outages. Next, meetings were arranged with electric company officials to discuss ways to  finally solve our reoccurring outages in our area. Mary demanded “Action” ... tree trimming,  new equipment and actual remediation ... not just “talk” or excuses for electrical failures.


"Alderwoman Mary Sullivan listens to her constituents and takes “Action” to serve the people. Darien and Ward 5 are fortunate to have Mary has an trusted elected public servant." 

Angela McGreal, Darien Ward 5 Resident 

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